Sunday, 4 September 2011

Reflective Writing Exercise

The activity that I have decided to carry out for this semester is boardgaming. I chose this as it is a interactive and fun way to socialize as well as something that I enjoy doing. There are a few practical considerations in ensuring that I complete 2 hours of boardgaming a week. The first of these is time management. As there are many board games out there, there can be a wide range as to how long they run for. However generally 30-60min will need to be set a side. This maybe difficult to find several of these spare time slots a week-especially when things get busier in regard to assignments. Ways I can overcome this is using my study breaks to play a board game. Not only will this get my mind a way from assignments for a period of time, but also a good way of interacting with other people. Another thing I will need to consider is that boardgames are generally 2+ players, therefore I will always need to have someone else to play with. Having a boardgames night, or playing with my flatmate will be a way that I can overcome this. In order to get my minimum of 2 hours of boardgaming a week, I will roughly need to play 2-4 times.

What Boardgaming Means to Me and My Practice
In my fieldwork experiences I have used boardgaming a numerous about of times, particulary in paediatric mental health. As children's therapy is through play, boardgames were a very helpful way to get the clients to problem solve, understand verbal and written instruction as well as improve planning and decision making etc. Children often enjoyed the challenge and competivness that boardgames offered, as well as being able to engage and interact with someone in an informal way. Working in adult mental health, one way boardgaming was used as means of meaningful occupation. It was a time for the clients to take a break and engage in an activity that they enjoyed and were good at. I found it important for the clients to have boardgaming scheduled into their routine, as it gave them something to look forward to. Boardgaming can be used in many other ways, but the two examples given are areas in which I have experienced.

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